May 27, 2017

Overcoming Challenges and Building Confidence

Getting Started

jonathan griffith-jones demonstrating side kick

Before starting World Taekwondo training, I had never attempted a martial art. I did very little sport at school due to being small, light, and asthmatic. At university, I dabbled in various sports, most notably rowing, which I continued for several years. As an engineer, I spend most of my time sitting at a computer, leading to back and neck issues.

Finding Motivation

I became interested in World Taekwondo because my younger son started training. I wanted to do something other than sit and watch while my children participated in sports, modeling the behavior I encourage in them. I often lack motivation when exercising alone and needed a group activity with set targets. I realized that my son was achieving this through World Taekwondo. I started training a year after him, and when he moved up to the youth and adult class, we were able to train and practice together. Although both my sons have since stopped training, World Taekwondo remains my primary focus for keeping fit.

Boosting Confidence and Energy

World Taekwondo has improved my confidence both physically and mentally. Even if I feel tired at the end of the day, I know that attending a class will energize me, and I always feel better after training. I have also enjoyed assisting with kids' classes, helping students learn and improve. It's important to give back to junior students, just as I've received assistance myself.

Jonathan Griffith Jones at his Dan Grading Test

Lessons Learned

Through my World Taekwondo training, I have learned the following:

  • It’s never too late to start something new, especially if you can enjoy it with your children;
  • Patience, as mastery of each element takes time, and there is always room for improvement;
  • Lifelong learning, as each technique and pattern leads to the challenge of the next.

Embracing Challenges

My favorite part of training is the challenge of learning a new pattern after each grading and improving it weekly. Even after mastering a pattern, there are always refinements to learn and errors to correct. At the time of my 1st Dan grading, achieving it felt like a huge effort, and I wasn’t sure if I would commit to training for 2nd Dan. The preparation for Black Belt demanded sustained high performance and refinement of everything I had achieved, raising the bar even higher.

Training for 2nd Dan

Training for 2nd Dan has forced me to focus on my weaker elements rather than stay in my comfort zone. Setting the goal of reaching 2nd Dan has enhanced my focus on all aspects of World Taekwondo.

Jonathan Griffith-Jones - May 27, 2017
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