Sep 19, 2024

My Taekwondo Journey: From Adversity to Achievement!

From Adversity to Achievement!


After some forty-five years of sweating in the dojhang my knees said “enough”, and my doctor told me that I needed to retire. Very sadly, I decided to take his advice, and I retired in my seventieth year.

I grew up in a time much different from now. I was born with a lazy eye and as a small child they tried to correct it by blinding me in my good eye. This meant I went through early primary school wearing blacked out glasses and I was unable to participate in any ball sports.

John Peek

Early Challenges

In those days a boy’s worth and status was measured by his sporting prowess and the children I went to school with were the cohort I was with throughout my entire schooling. There was no protection from bullying back then, no school counsellors, no help. My school days were not great. I knew it wasn’t right but I was powerless to correct it. I had a strong sense of justice but had no ability to stand up for myself.

I was fortunate that my father was a fantastic fisherman and champion rifle shot so I escaped into those pastimes and managed to make the Australian Shooting team when I was eighteen. From there I formed friendships that last to this day and gained a feeling of self-worth. One of those friends was participating in Taekwondo and I wondered if it was for me.

Discovery of World Taekwondo

My first lesson was at Henley Beach, in 1979. The movements seemed unnatural, but I was inspired by the ability of the other students and I have trained ever since. I had no natural ability, I just kept trying.

Grand Master Wahid Halimee took over at Henley Beach and I have been his student ever since, barring times I have been out of Adelaide.

The Deeper Meaning of World Taekwondo

One of the first things anyone not familiar with the martial arts asks you when they learn that you are a Black Belt is “Have you ever used it?” They expect stories of defending old ladies from muggers or making citizen’s arrests of armed robbers etc. The truth is far deeper. In fact, I use the art daily. Whenever a task gets hard, whenever you feel tired, whenever life throws something at you I remember that I have pushed through and I can do it. Giving up is not an option.

Memorable Moments

One of my most treasured moments was training for my Black Belt. Things were a bit harder in those days and I was coming home black and blue. One night, to increase stamina, all the Black Belts lined up in front of me for sparring. They got stuck in one at a time and few punches were pulled. After a while I felt I could not go on. My arms went weak and my lungs burned. All I remember is the Grand Master yelling “Get your hands up! Keep going!”

Like a religious experience I went from exhausted to fighting back. Like walking through a curtain my strength flowed back and I felt as if I could go on for ever. I now know that when you think you have nothing left in the petrol tank you are really only on half full.

Professional Life and World Taekwondo

I used my World Taekwondo skills through my professional life many times. The basic premise is that you are the weaker party so you must think out of the square to win. What will your opponent do, what will they expect you to do? What can you do that will throw them off guard? What can you do to bring them to your side? Just sit back and look at the problem rather than confront it head on.

I worked for a long time with troubled youth. Violence was their language and often I was on the brunt of it. In all those times when called upon I was able to calm the situation and I never had to hit anyone. I could never have done that without my World Taekwondo training. So you see you train hard NOT to hit anyone because you have the skill to walk away not in fear, but with confidence.


My World Taekwondo journey has changed my life in so many ways. I am grateful for my lazy eye which started it and to the superb instructors I trained under. Special thanks to Grand Master Wahid Halimee, Instructor Patrick Matthews and Instructor David Ferguson. I miss you all.

John Peek - September 19, 2024
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